Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Howard Dean Reaches Out to Queer Democrats
(Link) Former Prez contender Howard Dean, now Democratic National Party Chairman, shut down the party's gay outreach office. Because he's got bigger plans for us, right?
New Hotness: Protesting "Love Won Out" Events
(Link) Why save your Pride for June when you could rally all year? Gaydar tip: look for "professional ex-gays" like suit-wearing Melissa Fryrear who say things like, ""Ever wonder why some lesbians look mannish? It’s a vulnerability to be a woman. That suit of armor to keep you from being hurt."
Sweeps Month Means More Lesbian Scenes

(Link) In those desperate Spring bids for attention, the flimsy lesbian subplots suddenly burst onto the television screen. But are those fake grrlie kisses actually making a bigger statement that simple attention whoring by the networks?
Monday, February 27, 2006
State Senator Plans Republican Adoption Ban Bill
(Link) Moved by the torment of young constituents who were adopted by Republicans, Ohio Senator Robert Hagan hopes to ban the practice -- citing a colleague's anti-gay adoption bill as inspiration.
Catherine Denueve Surprised by "Brokeback" Success

(Link) Frankly, we're suprised this article didn't mention "The Hunger" and "8 Women," two flicks that created Denueve's huge base of lesbian fans.
Sex & the City Star Grateful For Media Non-Reaction

(Link) When Cynthia Nixon broke up with her childhood sweetheart in 2003 and started up relationship with a woman, she was prepared to face a tabloid frenzy -- and delighted when it only lasted two days.
Friday, February 24, 2006
2006 Sapphie Awards For Best Lesbian Flicks

(Link) Need to freshen up your Netflix list? Girlfriends mag announces their pics for this year's best lesbian films.
Grrl's Guide to the Hookup Rescued From Fundies
Activist Riled Over Hilary's Anti-Gay Stance

(Link) Hilary Clinton does support civil unions, but she's also opposed to same-sex marriage, so the head of Empire State Pride says to stop givin' her campaign money.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
GLBT History Tour Now Offered in Scotland
(Link) You might expect this in San Francisco, but it's the new hotness in Edinburgh. One more thing to add to your list of "must-do" while in Europe.
Lesbian Priest in Running for California Bishop

(Link) Still reeling over the 2003 election of Gene Robinson (now in alcohol rehab), Episcopalians in the Diocese of California now have two queer priests opting for the top job in that state. And one of them is Rev. Bonnie Perry.
Six Men Arrested in Lesbian Teen's Bashing Death
(Link) South Africa may have anti-discrimation laws on the books, but the country's homophobic culture still has a long way to go before. A very long way.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Christians Riled Over Jerusalem Pride
(Link) World Pride 2006 is set for August 6-12 in home to three of the world´s great religions. Does the founder of Liberty University have anything to say about it? You bet!
Carmen Electra Joins Fake Grrlie Kissing Bandwagon
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Paris Hilton's New Video: The Lesbian Scenes

(Link) Whenever the alarm rings to remind her that her 15 minutes of fame are over, the horse-faced heiress simply rolls over and slaps the snooze button again.
Bush Gives $500 Million to Anti-Gay Groups
(Link) Now that he's quashed terrorism and eliminated poverty, Dubya throws half a billion to faith-based programs to "promote and strengthen" hetero marriage. Besides the obvious, none of the cash can be used to assist same-sex couples where domestic partnerships or civil unions are legal.
Judge Overturns Bar Ruling On Foster Parenting
(Link) A Missouri judge sees through the BS of "but her kids might be made fun of if they have queer parents" as a reason to squelch a woman's hopes of being a foster mom.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Laurel Hester Loses Battle Against Lung Cancer
(Link) The former New Jersey cop spent her last few months fighting to make sure her partner wouldn't lose their house after she died won her pension fight, but ultimately lost the fight against cancer.
Aussie Grrl's T-shirt Causes School Uproar

(Link) When 17-year-old Stephanie was required to change her shirt because it "might" offend "some parents," her schoolmates fought back with protest shirts of their own. Briliant!
Cokehead Kate Up for a Lesbian Movie Role
(Link) Fashion model/professional twig Kate Moss may be making her Hollywood debut in a Dusty Springfield bio-pic. She's been practicing for the "60s drug use" scenes in her off time, of course.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Lesbian Customer Screwed Over by Overstock.com
(Link) When well-meaning sweetheart Heather's attempt to have perfume delivered to her girlfriend on Valentine's Day goes awry, she contacts Overstock.com about the issue -- and meets their "customer service" chatbots.
Neve to Get Wild With Denise Again

(Link) Eight years after making out with Denise Richards in "Wild Things", Neve Campbell's going for her sixth lesbian subplot in the upcoming "Backstabbers." C'mon Neve... jump the fence to the pink side. We'll catch you!
Russia's Pride Shut Down By Fundies

(Link) If you think the religious nutjobs in the States are bad, Russia's bunch is even worse. "If they come out on to the streets anyway they should be flogged. Any normal person would do that - Muslims and Orthodox Christians alike." Normal?
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Photographers Lose Job Over P-Town Wedding

(Link) A North Carolina ski resort fires two photogs after seeing their lesbian wedding announcement in a Massachusetts paper. Because if a lesbian takes your photo, you'll catch "The Ghey!"
Iowa Governor Backing Civil Unions
(Link) It's so nice to hear a politician mention Britney Spears' 51-hour as evidence that same-sex couples ought to have their long-term unions recognized.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Adventures In the Cuddle Puddle

(Link) Will the "don't label me" fluidity of teens sexuality have an impact on tomorrow's LGBT community -- or is that impact already happening?
New 'Allah' Documentary Ready to Raise a Ruckus
(Link) From the director of "Trembling Before G-d" comes a new film that shows the struggles of LGBT Muslims. Since some of those countries barely acknowledge a woman's existence, it'll be interesting to see how lesbian women survive in that culture.
Couples Attempt Marriage on Valentine's Day
(Link) "We tried to apply for a marriage license at the Ventura County Clerk's but all we got was this silly bag of rice!"
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
"The L Word" Streaming Its Way to Success

(Link) Showtime's Top 10 most downloaded list of podcasts are clips from the lesbian comed-drama series, proving that cable subscriptions along aren't the best way to judge popularity anymore. You go, grrls!
'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' costs $364 million
(Link) Over the decade it's been in place, the homophobic policy has booted out 9,500 people and cost about twice what the government estimated. That kinda money could have gone a long way toward hurricane aid. Or education. Or filling potholes, etc.
Study: Civil Partnerships Improve Health

(Link) Just like marriage does for straight people, legally-recognized same-sex relationships are good medicine for both partners -- for pretty much all the same reasons. Now it's a health issue, people!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Meet Coach Sappho: Relationship Expert

(Link) Just in time for Valentine's Day, lesbian therapist Barb Elgin helps singles work through their issues -- before they go out there an leap into the first bad relationship they can find.
New Jersey May Be Next For Marriage Rights
(Link) The Garden State's edge: a left-leaning Supreme Court and a governor's race in which both candidates argued against amending the constitution to limit marriage to one man and one woman.
Police Still Unravelling Lesbian Double-Murder Plot
(Link) The deaths of a French actress and her musician girlfriend are being called a "crime of passion", but the only passion here seems to be a low-life thug's lust for money.
Friday, February 10, 2006
"Warcraft" Apologizes for Attack on LGBT Groups

(Link) With encouragement from Lamba Legal, Blizzard Entertainment backs down from its policy of "stay in the closet so you'll avoid being harrassed."
Lesbian Rumors Stir Up Around Salma Hayek & Penelope Cruz

(Link) A quote from the set of "Bandidas", their upcoming Mexi-western comedy flick: "I grabbed Salma's ass just to keep things moving," Cruz told the National Enquirer. "And the energy changed when I did that."
Lesbian Couple Hatches Passive-Aggressive Adoption Plot
(Link) In an attempt to skip the hassles of a same-sex adoption battle, they both skipped signing the baby's birth certificate -- which legally means that child has no parents at all.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Skinny Jenny Gets a New Godmother Gig

(Link) In a move to bring normalcy to her unborn child's life, Angelina Jolie has named her ex-girlfriend Jenny Shimizu as the baby's godmother. Also, Angelina's craving English desserts. Just in case you wondered.
Martina Navratilova Turns 50

(Link) Martina hits the half-century mark with a full schedule of games lined up -- including the Grand Slam. Whatta gal!
Workplace Rights Bill Almost Passed in Virginia
(Link) As further proof that ignorance is no obstacle to getting elected, one pol who helped kill the bill states that "There are eight different sexual orientations, including pedophilia and bestiality."
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Queer TV Coming to a PC Near You
(Link) Bravo and PlanetOut are teaming up to put a queer television station on broadband -- OutZoneTV.com. A quick check of the site reveals... yet another boy-saturated advertising outlet. Except for the one picture of the hot chick.
Lamba Legal Goes After World of Warcraft

(Link) Game company Blizzard Entertainment gets a warning from Lambda Legal after trying to squelch a female gamer's attempt to start an LGBT-friendly guild. The warning letter is here -- along with a slew of rants from ignorant fanboys who think "fag" isn't a homophobic slur.
Lesbian Marriage Case Starts in Ireland
(Link) Together more than 20 years, a couple starts their fight for marriage rights. If you want government attention, a lawyer at the tax office works better than shouting in the streets.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
"Cheerleader" Star Natasha Lyonne Hospitalized

(Link) The cutie star of "But I'm a Cheerleader" and other LGBT flicks has fallen on seriously hard times -- and mental health issues may be a factor.
Providence College Bans Vagina Monologues
(Link) Eve Ensler's award-winning, consciousness-raising show is apparently too hot for the upper crust college, but not because they talk about coochie snorchers. If you guessed that it's because teenage lesbian monologue is contrary to "church teachings", you're right!
Reverend to Face Trial Over Same-Sex Marriages
(Link) As leader of an all-inclusive church, Rev. Jane Spahr happily presided over a few same-sex ceremonies. Unfortunately, the Presbyterian hierarchy isn't all-inclusive and Spahr could lose her ministry.
Monday, February 06, 2006
DC's Metro Gets a "Family" Voice
(Link) Starting this spring, a lesbian will order hundreds of thousands of people around each day in our nation's capital -- as the new voice of the Washington, DC transit system.
Michiganders Fighting for Adoption Rights
(Link) A bill to allow unmarried couples -- including same-sex couples -- to adopt is facing an uphill battle in Michigan. According to one backer, the current restrictions have led some terminally ill mothers with live-in partners to give up their parental rights so their partners could adopt their children.
WA State Groups Prepare for Backlash
(Link) Now that Washington's become the 17th state to outlaw discrimination, opponents are already gearing up to overturn the law -- claiming it could lead to increased violence, same-sex marriage, dogs and cats marrying, etc. Oh, the humanity!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Vacation Habits of the American Lesbian

(Link) Researchers are shocked to find that lesbians and gay men do not necessarily want the same things for their free time. Travel agencies could take a tip from Olivia CEO Amy Errett: "We put the ‘L’ in LGBT travel marketing. We understand what these women want. We are creating a space for women to be truly who they are."
The L Word Goes for Year #4

(Link) Citing a burst of popularity with season 3, Showtime signs the L Word cast up for season 4. Have we finally gotten so attached to the thin, rich and gorgeous characters that we no longer care that none of them sports a mullet or drives a truck?
Woman Suing Doc's Office For Harrassment
(Link) If you visit the doc for bronchitis cure, you expect to get some pharma -- not a packet of anti-gay religious tracts and a notation in your medical files that you're lesbian.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Police Report: The Carolina Panther Cheerleaders

(Link) At last, the police report and witness statements from the NFL cheerleaders dyke drama -- 10 pages of sleaze and disgust detailing their tryst in a bar bathroom stall and subsequent brawl with patrons and police.
Shrink's Client Base Growing After Texas Marriage Ban
(Link) Two months ago, an "overwhelming" number of votes banned same-sex marriage in Texas. Today, mental health pros report a similarly overwhelming number of new patients suffering the emotional fallout of being messed with by Texas.
Lesbian Couple First to Wed in UK Army

(Link) "It was wonderful to get married and being the first was the icing on the cake. We want to be together forever," said one blushing 19-year-old bride.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Review: The Ultimate Lesbian Short Film Festival

(Link) Before you win that Oscar, ya gotta earn the street cred. Here's a preview of dyke directors to watch out for, contestants in this year's Short Film Fest, and reviews of their entries.
Bush Renews Attack on Marriage Equality
(Link) In Monday's State of the Union drinking game/speech, Bush stirred up the pot again by equating the evils of "activist courts that try to redefine marriage" with "unethical conduct by public officials." Nice. So we're right up there with Tom DeLay now?
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