Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Dildo Diaries aka The Texas Anti-Dildo Law
Starring the fabulous Molly Ivins, who passed away on January 31st from breast cancer at the age of 62. This may not be the best tribute to her, but you will get an idea of the wit and humor that'll be greatly missed.
Monday, January 29, 2007
UK's Blair Defies Churches on Gay Adoption
Link How can you tell you're in a progressive country? Your president says "no" to faith-based discrimination.
Students Not Keen on Anti-Gay Handouts
Link In Maryland, students of two high schools were hit up with fliers from one of those esteemed "Ex-Gay" organizations. To their credit, "most kids just threw them away."
Russian Still Not Enlightened on Gays
Link Pride events are many things to many people, and mostly a cause for celebration. Unless you're in Russia, where they're considered a Satanic Act(tm).
Friday, January 26, 2007
Survey Reveals European Attitudes on Diversity

(Link) And yes, "diversity" includes us. If you've decided you can't live under the Bush Administration even for just two more years, here's a clue to the countries that'll be more accepting of you and your wicked alternative lifestyle.
Anything For Us at Sundance This Year?
(Link) Since we're too hot for major studios, most of the best lesbian films are idependent films. One of the best places to find out what to put on your Netflix list is the Sundance Film Festival. Here's a preview for ya.
Cheney Slams CNN Over Lesbian Comment

(Link) His party may condemn those nasty, dirty homosexuals, but Vice President Dick Cheney seems to think his own daughter is above the fray, as CNN's Wolf Blitzer found out during a recent interview.
Monday, January 22, 2007
UK Activists Calling for Noise
(Link) You've heard of the National Day of Silence, right? Well, across the pond they've decided to protest all the suffering in silence that LGBTers often do by making a helluva lot of noise instead!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Femme Mafia 2nd Annual Masquerade is On!

(Link) The fiesty femmes of the Atlanta, GA area are gearing up for another fundraising fest and you are invited! It's like Halloween in January, but with more cute lesbians. Lots more, in fact!
Half of Canada's Gay Weddings are Foreigners

(Link) And these are just the people who can afford to make the trip. Sing along now: "Oh Canada, what a great home and native land you are...Go Leafs!" Or something like that.
Issues: Where Does Barack Obama Stand?

(Link) We all know he's an engaging speaker, but where does this potential presidential candidate stand on the issues? You'll have to get to page five before you get an idea of his stance on LGBT issues, but it's worth a read.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Just Out: Jenny Shimizu's Tell-All Book

(Link) Not content to rest on her laurels as the ex-girlfriend to the bisexual (and wanna-be) stars, supermodel Jenny Shimizu has spilled her secrets into book form so we can read the juicy details. Perhaps even some details she hasn't already unloaded on us, if that's possible.
City Mulls Allowing Protest in Oath of Office
(Link) Madison, Wisconsin may become the first US city to require elected officials to say that they support gay marriage while they're making their oaths of office.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Interview: Sister Funk
Demo Party Leader's Agenda Cause for Concern
(Link) Although the Democratic party normally tends to be more in favor of LGBT rights, the guy who may step in as chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council isn't too friendly. He lists being "pro-family" as part of his ideals, and we all know that doesn't include our families.
UK Fundies Fail in Fight Against Equality
(Link) Using the same, invalid arguments used by religious kooks in the US, British protestors lost their fight deny equal rights to gays and lesbians. Get over it fundies. If denying equality could cause a group to cease existing, women would have disappeared years ago.
Monday, January 08, 2007
LGBT Troops Are Serving in Semi-Silence
(Link) Retired General John Shalikashvili (former Joint Chiefs Chairman) has recently changed his tune on gays in the military, mainly because 20- and 30-somethings have much more tolerant attitudes. In fact, nearly 25% of those in uniform now say they already serve with somebody gay.
Rainbow Fish Causes Homophobic Outrage

(Link) If you're a Christian of the homosexual variety who's been holding out for a pride fish, hold back no more. It'll help you spot fellow gay Chrisians -- and clearly help identify the bigots who've been claiming they speak for your religion.
Lesbian Jailbirds Married in Canada

(Link) They refused to let the cold, iron bars restrain their love and now they're married. For better or worse, the consummation of their wedding bliss is not available in a "chicks in prison" film.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
L.A. Is Just Another L-Word

(Link) Series co-creator Ilene Chaiken admits that the L-Word gals have "LA values", which make them a bit different from those of us who don't inhabit that sphere. Still, they touch on human themes and emotions we've all endured -- or nursed a friend through. Hot news tip: Alice's relationship chart is coming to an internet near you soon, and promises interactivity! So which L-Word gal do you most want to "interact" with?
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Rosie vs The Donald: The Brawl Continues

(Link) One little tiff wasn't enough to settle things between "The View" co-host Rosie O'Donnell and Donald "That Hairpiece" Trump. He's now bitching about Rosie to her predecessor Meredith Veira and any other newshead that'll listen.
Town Boycotts Gay-Friendly Store

(Link) Step 1) Raise your kids to be open-minded. Step 2) Open a gift shop that carries a few LGBT items. Step 3) Your daughter starts a gay-straight alliance at school. Step 4) EVERYBODY PANIC! THE GAYS ARE TAKING OVER!
Court Gives Child Three Legal Parents
(Link) For most cases, the donor dad would have lost custody if the birthmom's partner were allowed to adopt the child. In a show of compassion you don't usually find in a courtroom, Ontario's highest court has legally declared that a young boy now has two moms and a dad.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Quick! Get Yourself a MySpace Page!

(Link) So you can fit in with the majority of people who are using it. A new poll shows that "non-heterosexuals" use social networking sites like MySpace and Friendster significantly more than straight folks. Tell us: has that sort of thing yielded kooks or friends?
Former US Military Leader Has No Problem With Gays Serving

(Link) General (retired) John Shalikashvili, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, once argued against letting openly gay troops served. Seems he's changed the tune -- now that he's actually met some real, live homosexual servicemembers.
Gay Marriage Under Fire in Massachusetts

(Link) Although it's the only state where same-sex marriage is currently legal, that legality may be up for a public vote if Mitt "I'll Be Running for President Soon" Romney has his way.
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