Sunday, December 30, 2007
Lesbian Teen Slammed for Wearing Lesbian T-Shirt
Link A Virginia high school student's T-shirt was too much for school officials to handle. We all know that causes the ghey to spread like wildfire! But a friendly letter from the ACLU on the cutie's behalf seems to have eased the burden a bit.
Cher & Chastity Pitching New Reality Show

Link The mom and daughter team -- who endured some rough patches when daughter came out -- will be hosting a new reality show. The premise? They'll be helping LGBT guests come out to their own parents in a non-Jerry Springer atmosphere.
The Delicious Taste of Irony

Link A few months ago, the joint was under investigation by the state's Attorney General for stomping on a transwoman's right to use the loo. Now the place has been reopened -- as a gay bar! Oh, I love the night life... I got to boogie...
gay bars,
New Hampshire's Civil Unions: Pros and Cons

Link Thinking of CUing in the "Live Free or Die" state? You'll score a lot of nice legal rights -- but there are a few downers.
civil unions,
gay marriage,
legal rights,
New Hampshire
Huckabee: "Being Gay Is A Choice"

Link Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is running for the Republican presidential nod by acting all down home and folksy. His latest comments won't be sitting well with the "Queer As Folk-sy" crowd. Linky includes a glorious video clip of The Huckster in action.
mike huckabee,
presidential campaigns,
Is This "Over-Sharing?"

Link You know the typical lesbian couple's been together a long time when they dress alike, look alike and share their household expenses. How about when they share bacteria, too? It's more common than you think -- and we're not talking about the clap.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
2007 Sexy Gift Guide for Lesbians

Link The Village Voice's Tristan Taormino claims that real dykes (not those "lipstick lebian" media creations) are making a comeback -- and here's her list of gift ideas for your smutty sweetie! Is porn truly the gift that keeps on giving? Why yes, yes it is!
gift guides,
tristan taormino
Hungary Legalizes Same-Sex Civil Unions

Link Nope the US is still lagging far behind while the rest of the world is busy legalizing same-sex partnerships -- or full marriage. So for your next civil partnership ceremony, consider beautiful Budapest! Bonus: everybody talks like Zsa Zsa Gabor!
All Stressed Out for the Holidays

Link It's true. We are more whacked out and worn out by holiday stress than straight women. Besides, we have to count a year's worth of Uhauls to determine who's coupled off so we can just get them the one gift to share...And then the other Uhauls to determine who broke up and... who did she move in with again? Are they still together? Think just a card would be okay?
Are the Recruiters That Hard Up for Baby Dykes?

Link A righty "news" website claims that California toddlers are the latest target of "gay rights" groups who plan to turn the little tykes into "flaming homosexuals." Don't think you're getting off the hook either, you tranny menaces! We see your "agenda" too!
gay rights,
Florida Could Vote to Ban Gay Marriage

Link It's already impossible for LGBT folks to adopt. Now, the Sunshine State is considering joining the other 18 states that have made amendments to their constitutions to ban same-sex marriage outright.
gay marriage,
lambda legal,
same-sex marriage
Coming Out in Later Life
Link After spending 44 years with her life partner, a California woman finds the courage to go public with their relationship.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Jodie Finally Comes Out

Link After years of fans begging "Oh, for gawd's sake, just come out and be done with it!", Jodie Foster has finally and publically mentioned the love that dare not speak its name.
Mexico City Grants Same-Sex Conjugal Visits

Link The government says it's okay! Now you and your luscious, larcenous Latina pen pal can finally meet make sweet, sweet prison love!
Is Howard Stern Reaching Out to Gay Audience?

Link Is the shock jock trying to spread tolerance? Or is his hiring of newly-out George Takei (Sulu from Star Trek) just another stunt? Enough questions. Read the article and let us know your take on it in the comments section.
george takei,
howard stern,
star trek
Queen Latifah: Ready to Come Out?

Link Gossip on the street says Queen Latifah is about to come bustin' out of the closet -- and announce her engagement to a long-time girlfriend. Her majesty's camp, however, says there's not going to be any wedding. So what is the real story here?
Gay Gene Discovered in Fruit Flies

Link Puns aside, scientists have discovered a gene that, if switched off, makes fruit flies interested in both males and females. Hey, if you only had a 24-hour lifespan, wouldn't you go for whatever you could get?
Straight Guy Tries to Overturn Wisconsin Marriage Ban
Link He's a straight, Christian, married, father of seven. He doesn't have a lawyer -- or the backing of any major gay rights groups. So what's motivating him to bust the ban and give same-sex couples the right to marry?
gay marriage,
lambda legal,
same-sex marriage,
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Cancer Claims Jane Rule at 76

Link The pioneering lesbian author wrote more than a dozen books, including "Desert of the Heart". She was also an environmentalist and believed that simply being out was an essential political statement.
desert of the heart,
jane rule,
Oregon Couples Await January 1st Partner Law

Link For same-sex couples in Oregon, New Year's Day will be cause for breaking out the champagne and committment rings. The Beaver State will join eight others in having some sort of spousal rights for gay and lesbian couples.
civil partnerships,
gay marriage,
Former Generals Call For Repeal of DADT

Link As part of the 14th anniversary of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", fourteen retired high-ranking military brass have added their signatures to a call for repeal of the policy. And a surprising number of them are from the macho combat arms fields, too.
New Video Game Features Lesbian Lurve Scene

Link "Mass Effect" has already been banned in Singapore for a lascivious lesbian love scene between the main character and a shapely blue-skinned alien. Oh, yeah, that link goes right to the scene in question.
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