Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Police Suspect Lesbian Obsession Behind Killing
(Link) When one best friend strangles another and dumps the body, there's gotta be a reason. Was she secretly in love with her, a psychotic or both?
Gamer Grrl Slammed by Warcraft For Harrassment

(Link) Her shocking crime: trying to start an online World of Warcraft guild for queer-friendly players. Still okay to call your opponent a fag, though.
Gay Rights Advocate Coretta Scott King Dies at 78
(Link) Years after her husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. died, his wife continued to keep the dream alive for the rest of us: "I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream to make room at the table of brother- and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people."
Monday, January 30, 2006
Power Up to Make First Feature Film
(Link) After four years of making lesbian short films and sending out grants to lesbian filmmakers, Power Up is gearing up for its first big flick: "The Itty Bitty Titty Committee."
Washington State Passes Gay Rights Law
(Link) After 30 years of effort (and being blown off by several previous governors) Washington state's anti-discrimination bill becomes law. Now you can be fired solely because you're a crap employee -- not because you're "different."
Mauresmo Nabs First Grand Slam Title
(Link) After several years of effort, French tennis hottie Amelie Mauresmo finally gets that mojo working and brings home a trophy.
Friday, January 27, 2006
240 Medical Staffers Fired Under Don't Ask, Don't Tell

(Link) We all knew about the queer Arabic linguists getting booted out despite being desperately needed. Now we discover life-saving medics aren't important either if they're LGBT. Apparently beggars can be choosers after all.
New Lesbian Sorority Established, Growing
(Link) Already spreading to three cities, Alpha Chi Upsilon is a social organization -- which means you don't have to go back to university to enjoy the Sapphic sorority experience. Wow, but that just sounds hot, doesn't it?
Pastor's Anti-Gay Movement More Than Boycott
(Link) Knowing that it's nearly impossible to boycott all Microsoft products, Reverend Ken Hutcherson is now pushing a stock dumping scheme in hopes of crushing queer-friendly companies. Future News: Bulk up your retirement fund with the Nasdaq/NYSE Half-Price Sale!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Canadian Firm Plans First GLBT Condo
(Link) For only a quarter of a million bucks, you can join the privileged tenants in the queer-friendly Bohemian "neighborhood", too!
US Sides With Iran on Anti-Gay Issue

(Link) Says the director of the NGLTF: "Apparently Iran, which President Bush has deemed part of the 'Axis of Evil,' is a suitable partner when it comes to discriminating against gay people."
Lesbian Moms to Get Legal OK in Denmark
(Link) New Parliament ruling may overturn the 1997 ban on lesbians (and single women) using the services of artificial insemination clinics. In other news, other countries also attempt to legislate "morality."
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
The L Word Faces the C Word

(Link) Actress Erin Daniels discusses the research -- and emotions she went through -- preparing for her L Word character's upcoming battle against breast cancer. "Some days, I had to come home and cry and get it out of my system."
Ten Commandments Judge Enters the Marriage Fray
(Link) Remember the Alambama judge who brought the religious loonies out of hiding with his demands that a huge monument featuring the Christian Top Ten is a-okay as courthouse decor? He's back and rallying the faithful against same-sex marriage. Yeehaw.
Activist Writer Betty Berzon Dies at 78

(Link) After struggling half her life to accept her sexuality, Betty Berzon spent the rest of it helping others. Among her accomplishments: the books "Permanent Partners" and "The Intimacy Dance", co-founding the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center and convincing the American Psychiatric Association that we're not crazy after all.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Laurel Hester's Wish Finally Granted
(Link) "This is one of the happiest days of my life," Hester said in a statement Saturday. "I feel like David conquering Goliath."
GLAAD Announces Nominees for 17th Annual Awards

(Link) Backed by an exhaustive list of corporate sponsors, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) gears up for the annual recognition ceremony of who's made us proud this year. And yes, The L-Word and Melissa Etheridge made the list.
Washington State Supporters Rally for Rights
(Link) After 30 years of failure, it looks like Washington state's gay rights bill may finally become law. It's got the support of the governor -- an a Republican pol who's proud of his lesbian daughter.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Malcolm X's Daughter Calms Rosie Down
(Link) When Rosie O'Donnell threated to explode at protestors upset at her queer family cruise, Atallah Shabazz defused the situation by offering to represent her. Malcolm X's daughter is family?
Freeholders to Vote Again in Laurel Hester Case

(Link) After being denied the right to pass her death benefits to her partner, public outrage has led to the dying New Jersey cop getting a second chance to be heard.
Will Maryland Be Next For Marriage Rights?
(Link) Circuit court sides with nine same-sex couples denied marriage certificates: "Although tradition and societal values are important, they cannot be given so much weight that they alone will justify a discriminatory statutory classification."
Friday, January 20, 2006
Be There: Femme Mafia's Masquerade Ball is Jan 28th

(Link) Atlanta's fabulous femmes are staging the year's big event next Saturday -- the Mafia Masquerade, complete with belly dancers, DJs, drag kings and hotties galore! Need another reason to attend? Two words: lapdance auction!
Queer Families to Crash White House Party

(Link) This Easter, a peculiar Presidential holiday custom is about to get more interesting -- with the addition of hundreds of GLBT families showing up unannounced to help roll colored eggs across the White House Lawn.
Dying Lesbian's Plea for Benefits Fails
(Link) Laurel Hester, a New Jersey police officer battling inoperable brain and lung cancer, made one last attempt to transfer her pension benefits to her partner. The appeal was rejected.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Are We More Responsibile With Money?
(Link) What would you do if you won $100,000? According to a Harris Interactive poll, it'd be all about investments (and perhaps an Olivia cruise) if you're a lesbian.
Lesbian Poet Wins Top Literary Prize

(Link) Carol Ann Duffy bested most of the UK's straight poets in winning the TS Eliot award. Said the judges: "[her work] re-animates and continues a long tradition of the poetry of love and loss."
Florida's Anti-Gay Laws Split Families
(Link) Sometimes the only thing more abhorent than the existence of anti-queer adoption laws is when lesbian couples use the laws against each other.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Survey: Most Brits Stay Closeted at Work

(Link) Thanks to the interntional tradition of harassing the queer co-worker, more than half of the UK's lesbians keeps the orientation hushed up at work.
Kissing Kiwis Booted From Stadium
(Link) A friendly smooch between two women was deemed too "inflammatory" for the crowd at a New Zealand cricket match. After it was aired on the big screen to a stadium of cheering fans, of course.
HBO to Air Documentary on Rosie's Cruise
(Link) The inaugural cruise of Rosie O'Donnell's "R Family" vacations was met by protestors in the Bahamas. Will HBO air that part? You bet!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
GOP Bankrolling Florida Marriage Ban Issue

(Link) A proposal to ban gay marriage in Florida isn't getting its biggest boost from the radical right. The big cash injection is coming from the Republican Party, who clearly know the threat of equality for homos will get Bubba out to the polls.
Dear Cupid: Lesbian Thoughts are "Just a Phase"
(Link) When a 17-year-old already admits she likes girls and writes in for advice on how to handle an extreme crush, does she get advice on handling the crush? Of course not! These wise heteros tell her to "just ignore it" because it's "experimenting."
Pastor Renews Call for Boycott Against Queer Rights
(Link) The same pastor who convinced Microsoft to buckle last year (causing Washington state to lose a gay rights bill by one vote) has called for a nationwide boycott of Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Nike and other companies with gay-friendly policies.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Rosie to Launch Queer Comedy Show

(Link) Not satisified with her cruise line empire, Rosie O'Donnell is kicking off a new sketch comedy series for Logo tv.
"Bloodrayne" Babe Comes Out

(Link) If the movie trailer's leather-goth vampire violence didn't get your attention, the leather-clad action babe sure did. And best news yet is that the hottie bats for our team!
Slumber Party Kiss Leads to Expulsion, Lawsuit
(Link) Yet another grrl-grrl kiss causes a teen to get booted from high school, this time for smooching at an off-campus slumber party -- and Daddy's throwing a million-dollar lawsuit at 'em over it.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Study: More Queer Vacationers Go Overseas
(Link) Because we're more likely to have more expendable income or because of a desire to be someplace where we can safely walk down the street holding hands?
PFLAG Scholarships Are Up for Grabs

(Link) Now in its third year, the Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is offering up free money for school to queer students and their allies. Yay for free money!
Arizona Gets First Out Lesbian Senator
(Link) A unanimous County Board of Supervisors vote put Paula Aboud in the District 28 State Senate seat left empty when her predecessor ran for higher office, beating two straight guys who were also vying for the job. You go, grrl!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Chastity Bono's House Is Up For Grabs

(Link) How serious is Cher's lesbian daughter about joining the B-List Celebrity Circuit? She's putting her house through a makeover show, too! Says Chastity, "Somebody said that the deck should just be burned and kind of intimated that it wouldn't be a problem if the rest of the house went either."
Fundie Group's Latest Attack Aimed at Barbie

(Link) Concerned Women for America have discovered the next threat to America: Barbie! By asking children who visit Mattel's Barbie website to say if they're boys or girls, the doll responsible for all our body image issues is creating gender confusion! Which leads to homosexuality! Oh noes!
NYC Gets First Out City Council Speaker
(Link) Starting Wednesday, Councilwoman Christine Quinn will become New York City's first out lesbian City Council Speaker -- and the first-ever female to hold the job. You go, grrl!
Monday, January 02, 2006
Ford's Brand Damage May Be Long-Lasting

(Link) Even though Ford backed down on a decision not to advertise in queer mags, the damage may already be done -- and spreading to other companies. Would you buy a product from a company that just might cave in to the anti-gay crowd?
Meet the L Word's Newest Member: Moira
(Link) Newcomer Daniela Sea has been a punk musician, performance artist and a former juggler with a Polish traveling circus. Now she'll be adding "castmember of the L Word" to her resume as the cast's gender-bending Moira/Max.
Lesbian Fraudulently Fired for Flinging Flour

(Link) Ever take one of those jobs -- just for the dough -- only to have half-baked customers trying to get rise outta ya?
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