Link No, it's not a smut series. The show promises to "take viewers on an uncharted journey where the subject of lesbian sexuality and desire isn't whispered, but celebrated." Yowsa!
Link Out of 679 series lead or supporting characters on the six major broadcast networks in the new season, roughly 1.3 percent are gay, lesbian or bisexual. Will the next Ellen please step out of the closet and into the camera?
Link It's apparently a move to advance diversity among Walmart employees. I'm sure they'd appreciate adequate pay and benefits, too. On the brighter side, there'll be someplace besides Homo Depot to cruise for new chicks while you're shopping for those Third World country-made low, low prices.
Link Warm sunshine and hot babes. Ahh, any event that combines "women" and "fest" has got to be worth attending! If you're headed there, do give us a full report, okay? And photos. Lots of photos.
Link Boys, boys, boys... When will you learn that "No means NO!"? Our verdict: the beatdown was warranted, but the application of the steak knife was a bit much.
Link If you guessed the teenager in question was a 14-year-old girl, you'd be right! This is LNews, after all. In other news, when are we going to start throwing these "vicars and tarts" parties in the States?
Link Haven Herrin is young, strong and smart. She can run five miles and was valedictorian of her college class. The perfect military recruit! Except that she's queer, of course.
Link When Patricia Todd began running for a legislative seat in a majority black district, she assumed she'd face some bias for being an out lesbian... but race seems to matter more.
I haven't forgotten you, darling. Really, I haven't. It's just that I've recently moved house and Verizon is holding my broadband access hostage until August 17th. So in the meantime, get rowdy and make some news so I'll have even more to update you on when I get back online. Kisses!
Link Lesbian vintner Peg Raley operates the only winery in Delaware -- which was illegal at the start. She's also quite the looker, and yes, this article does feature a dazzling photo of her.
Link The United Nations report says the United States needs to crack down on gay bashing and other forms of discrimination. The list is pretty appalling, too.
Link An unlikely ally has joined the fight for marriage rights in Wisconsin. The political arm of the AFSCME fears a marriage ban could take away its right to argue for benefits for domestic partners.
Link New Zealand lesbians who came out to their health care providers say the disclosure resulted in a lower quality of care than if they'd pretended to be straight. However, by staying closeted, doctors may miss health issues that LGBT patients are more likely to face -- particularly the mental health symptoms that arise from being closeted.