Monday, February 26, 2007

Koalas: LUGs of the Animal World?

Link Researchers in Australia have revealed that koalas in captivity often reject males and turn to each other -- sometimes five at a time -- for lurve. One lame theory: they're just doing it to get the male's attention.

Gay Gamers Face Online Harrassment

Link If you're sick of your so-called pals say "that's so gay" as a slam during the game, you're not alone -- and it's not just World of Warcraft. A recent survey shows online gaming is a hotbed of homophobic remarks.

Lesbian Adopts Partner, Millions at Stake

Link The closest they could get to marriage was for one partner to adopt the other. Now Grandpa's dead and the adoptee is legally a grandchild who might inherit a ton of cash from the IBM fortune.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith Had a Lesbian Romance

Link No, not even LNews is immune from an Anna Nicole Smith story. Before she began collecting old multi-millionaires, part of her tumultuous life included a lesbian love affair.

Gay Rights Advances Possible With New Congress

Link Three major issues are on the plate for the new Demo-led U.S. Congress, and any of the three would be a significant advance in federal-level rights. Of course, the Concerned Women for America believe this will lead to sin, disgust, dogs and cats sleeping together, etc.

Suze Orman Comes Out

Link Financial advice powerhouse (as she's been called by USA Today) Suze Orman has come out of the closet -- and she claims to be a 55-year-old virgin. Hmm, somebody better rethink the definition of that word.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

France Rejects Lesbian Parenting

Link For a country that typically scores high marks for tolerance, France is slipping on this one. Shared parenting by same-sex couples still is not legally recognized, but that may change depending on who gets elected to the top office.

Rhode Island May Recognize Massachusetts Marriages

Link Rhode Island hasn't given an okay to same-sex marriage within it's own borders, but there is a push on to recognize marriages from the neighboring state of Massachusetts. Wicked good, eh?

When Irony and Politics Meet

Link The so-called "defenders of marriage" have long trotted out the stance that "marriage is about children and procreation". So a group in Washington state has come up with a proposal that's asking them to put their money where their yapping mouths are: procreate or divorce in three years. Oh, there's more, too.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Barbara Gittings Dies at 74

Link Gittings was a pioneer for lesbian activism in the 70s, and one of the co-founders of the Daughters of Bilitis. She also opened the closet door early and never looked back, even when the media hounded her.

Schwarzenegger to Veto Same-Sex Unions

Link Although it has the support of the California legislature, the Governator plans to put down a bill that would legalize gay marriage in that state. He claims he's just giving "the people" what they want. Which people?

Civil Unions Now Legal in New Jersey

Link The Garden State is now the third state to offer civil unions in the U.S. No, it's not full marriage, but it is a sign we're gaining some ground.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sure, Pink's married (to a guy), but Lisa Marie Presley is single. And they sure do make a sweet pair of Valentines, don't they? Mmrowr!

Indiana Moves Closer to Banning Marriage

Link Homophobic Hoosiers are pushing toward amending that state's constitution to prevent same-sex marriage from happening in Indiana. Possible good news? It's headed to Indiana's House of Representatives, where Democrats are the majority.

Lesbian Couples Win Adoption Battle

Link After traveling out of the country for IFV treatment, two couples from Sweden were initially denied two-parent adoption. Now, a court of appeals has overturned that ruling and now they're both legally-married moms - twice over!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Women Booted From Bar For Dance Floor Kiss

Link From the land that brought us "Xena" comes this sad tale of two cute gals who were ejected from a bar for a simple smootch. On their first date, no less. Grumpy Mole, indeed!

Apple Ad "Stoner Girl" May Be Family

Link Remember that 2002 Apple computer ad featuring the chick who absolutely had to have been stoned? Well, she claims she wasn't, and in this in-depth interview, she does drop a lot of hints that she's batting for the pink team. Now she's an icon to a whole 'nuther group!

Writer's Life to Become Film

Link Daphne du Maurier's novel, "Rebecca", tells of a second wife's struggle to surpass her predecessor. In reality, Du Maurier's struggles involved juggling her own difficult affairs with women. Coming up, the BBC movie with all the details.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Imagine: A Platoon of Lesbians

Link According to one New York politician, the biggest threat to our troops might be a platoon of lesbians. Hey, better to retain those cunning linguists than kick the queers out of Arabic language school. Cue the Militia Etheridge joke.

California County Clerk Protests Marriage Law

Link The only thing more fun than being handed your "Certificate of Inequality" is knowing that an Evangelical Christian believes you should be able to get married -- and she's dead set on separation of church and state.

Vermont Aiming for Full Marriage Rights

Link The first state to allow civil unions may be added to Massachusetts in allowing full same-sex marriage rights. "After seven years of civil unions, this is simply the right thing to do."

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Mary Cheney Under the Microscope

Link Mary doesn't seem to mind when her dad, Vice President of the US Dick Cheney, bashes gays. But she's in a huff about all the flack she's taking. Here's a clue: It's called "hypocrisy."

Speed Dating Event in St Petersburg, FL

The Human Rights Campaign and Chiq Bar present "Lesbian Speed Dating" on Sunday, February 11, starting at 6 p.m. Chiq Bar is located at 4900 66th St. North in St. Petersburg. Tickets include a free drink and cost $10 per person, with all proceeds going to HRC. Registration closes at noon on Friday, February 9, due to a limited number of spaces. For tickets go to and click on "Events in Florida-West Coast."

Lesbian Couple Marries in Mexico

LinkMexico does allow same-sex civil unions but, only one of Mexico's states recognizes full marriage, a couple from Tamaulipas took advantage of it to be the first couple to do so.