(Link) Despite shareholder attempts to derail their support for the Gay Games, the two companies refusals to cave to anti-queer politics is paying off.
(Link) For the second year in a row, the lesbian writer Camilla Gibb has won one of the world's top book awards for her account of a white Muslim woman whose religious devotion helps her survive a life of exile.
(Link) The same neuroscientist who claimed he found a "gay gene" of sorts in 1991 now posits the theory that in order for same-sex couples to last, they need to be different enough to remain interesting to each other.
(Link) They do things big in Texas, and Houston Pride is no exception. One group, Flowercat Productions, is staging four big events for women between May 4th-6th. Among them: Whip Creme Saturday. Oh, the possibilities!
(Link) Founded in 1996, the Day of Silence has become the largest single student-led action towards creating safer schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
(Link) Other interesting trends the study notes: our fave airlines is American, we're torn between Ford and Toyota and we just can't get enough of that Bud Lite. (And you thought the survey was gonna say "Busch", didn't ya?)
(Link) Before the Britney (and Christina) kiss, there was Sandra Bernhardt -- and a model who's currently trying to break up Brangelina. Three guesses?
(Link) Anti-queer Reverend Jerry Falwell's attempt to shut down a website with a similar name -- but very different views from his own -- is shut down by the US Supreme Court. The site, www.fallwell.com, is also an excellent resource for ammo against the Bible-thumping Far-Righteous.
(Link) You've already heard the blather about her fling with Angelina Jolie. Now the rest of the sad tale is coming out, complete with heroin overdoses and rampant jerkdom.
(Link) The school began the investigation after a former player, alleged that Coach Rene Portland had harassed her, told her she needed to look "more feminine," and had a policy of keeping women she thought were lesbians off the team.
(Link) "In Her Line of Fire" stars dykon Mariel Hemingway and out actress Jill Bennett as a twosome who must save the vice president of the United States from being kidnapped by rebels. Word on the set: "Hot!"
(Link) One of only two openly lesbian sheriffs in the US, Vermont's Sheila Prue has apparently found a fresh, new source for financing those family vacations, pet supplies and banjo purchases: tax dollars!
(Link) With only one year to go until retirement, a career Air Force nurse is about to lose it all over one anonymous tipster's revelation that she's a lesbian in a long term relationship.
(Link) If your relationship looks like this, you need to spend your booze money on couples therapy. Violence, alcohol and codependence are never a winning combo.
(Link) Hundreds of LGBT families plan to attend this year's egg-rolling Easter shindig on the White House lawn just to make their existence known. Because nothing says "protest" like pushing a boiled egg over the turf.
(Link) The actress won top honors at the 17th Annual GLAAD Media Awards -- and appears in several lovely photographs in this article, many worth framing.
(Link) The Chief of the NAACP says it's time for black leaders, including leaders of the church, to join the fight against banning same-sex marriage. It's not about a "lifestyle." It's about fairness and equality.
(Link) Upside: Bloomington has the nation's fifth-largest per capita population of same-sex couples. Downside: Half an hour's drive north or south and you're in Klan Country.
(Link) That's right. Birmingham, Alabama. If you can make it past the throngs of anti-queer protesters likely to be surrounding the place, the film lineup does promise something for everyone.
(Link) Naomi Campbell's idea of fun: beating her assistant with a cellphone. Rosie no like idea. Quoth the Queen of Nice: "I think she needs a big 200-pound lesbian to kick her ass!"
(Link) The only thing worse than a bitter lesbian custody battle is when the judge sides with the partner instead of the birth mom. The latter's asinine breakup style may have had a lot to do with it.
(Link) Wisconsin Democratic Senator Russ Feingold is out and proud about his stance on same-sex marriage -- and he's a potential presidential contender for the 2008 race.
(Link) Just in time for the 7th International Gay Games, an enterprising guy/gal pair has written a field guide to queer Chicago that's based on human opinions of what's actually queer-friendly rather than ads by businesses who just want gay dollars in the till.
(Link) An amusing response to the Creationist crowd, the Flying Spaghetti Monster offers love and a special heaven for all -- a stripper-filled volcano that spews beer. Two new newly-published volumes of gospel feature anagrams of wisdom that praise homosexuality!
(Link) Rosie O'Donnell's R Family Cruises promise fun for everyone -- from Bahamanian protestors to little old ladies from Lawn Guy Land. Malcolm X's daughter guest stars!
(Link) Ireland's new prime minister promises civil partnerships for same-sex couples will be legalized in that country -- if the Roman Catholic church says it's okay. Sodom and Begorrah, anyone?
(Link) So what if your cable company doesn't carry Logo, MTV's channel for the LGBT crowd? Soon you'll be able to watch it from the comfort of your phone.