Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Belgian L&G Group Adopts Lesbian Penguin

(Link) Now that one penguin has "come out" others may see her as a role model. In other news South Park's lesbian seagull still parentless.

1 comment:

LNewsEditor said...

JIC Post:
From FlandersNews.be

A Gay and Lesbian organisation in Ghent, East Flanders, has a new member. Casa Rosa has adopted a lesbian penguin.

The little lady in question will continue to reside in her central Antwerp location along with her partner in the Antwerp Zoo.

Casa Rosa has no intention to split the happy couple up.

It is quite exceptional to come across a lesbian penguin and the Gay and Lesbian organisation, Casa Rosa, were delighted to be able to adopt the openly gay bird.

The penguin, a so-called rock jumper, has been in a steady relationship with another lady penguin for some years now.

The two have even set up nest together.

The couple are thought to be the first known lesbian penguin relationship in the world.

Gay couples have previously been "outed" in zoos in Sweden, the United States and Germany, but these are all male relationships.